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Invoice Types and Requirements in the United States

Invoices have multiple uses within the United States. Each type of invoice corresponds to its uses. Likewise, each kind of invoice has its specific requirements. In general, each kind of invoice allows a business owner to service their clients more effectively. This article will highlight the types of invoices used in America. It will also explore the requirements of these types of documents.

Invoice Types in the United States

There are several forms of invoices used in this country. Some of these invoices are discussed below.

Pro Forma Invoice

This document is given to a client by a seller or supplier before a transaction occurs. It tells the customer the amount of money they are to pay when a service or product is delivered. Similarly, it allows you to calculate the cost of goods you want to give in the form of a gift. However, the pro forma invoice may not be considered valid at the time of payment.

Final Invoice

A supplier, seller, or contractor can use a final invoice when a delivering service or when a contract is completed. In an actual sense, this document serves as a request for payment. However, it can only be enforced when there is a sales agreement between two parties. A final invoice can be sent to a client either electronically or physically.

Recurring Invoice

Parties usually reach an agreement for the ongoing supply of goods and services, typically using a recurring invoice. Similarly, the amount to be paid should be the same in each instance.

Invoice Requirements in the United States

There are several requirements for an invoice in America. A number of these requirements are put in place to ensure the standardization of documentation. In addition, some are necessary for the purpose of taxes. Some of the requirements of an invoice are highlighted below.

Company Name and Address

The name and address of the company creating an invoice must be explicitly stated. This information can be written on top, below, or anywhere on the document.

Name and Address of a Client

An invoice must contain the name of the person or entity it is addressed to. Therefore, a business or a supplier should write this information clearly. If there is a project involved, the location’s address is usually written.


An invoice cannot be valid without a date. This date indicates when such a document was created.

Invoice Number

Another essential aspect of an invoice is its number. This number helps a business keep track of the number of invoices it has issued. In addition, it makes it easier for other people to handle an invoice.

Payment Information

Payment information includes the total amount due and payment terms. The total amount due gives the total amount to be paid. It is made of the cost of individual items, taxes, and handling costs in most cases. The payment terms usually specify how to make payment and the number of installments required. Additionally, the payment details of a business may be included.

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